APN FAQ: Affiliate Publisher Network FAQ

Were do Unfranchise Owners register for APN?

Log into unfranchise.com and go to My Account / My Services / Affiliate Publisher Network

Where do those who are not Unfranchise Owners register for APN?

The APN affiliate portal

Where are the APN overview and training videos?

In the Market America YouTube channel

Where do I learn more about the APN Professional Content program?


The APN Professional Content program provides APN affiliates with content developed by our corporate marketing teams.  This content is created multiple times per year to give the APN affiliate seasonally relevant content that promotes related products.  The APN affiliate simply puts the content on their site or blog and then modifies the links (that take users to SHOP product pages) so that the links contain the APN Affiliates publisherID.

To get the latest content offer, click here

To download the document explaining how to modify the content links to have a your pulbisherID, click here

To view the video that demonstrates how to modify the content links to have a your pulbisherID, click here